Windrush Day 2019

Today we marked #WindrushDay in our main service, with Angela reading “Psalm to Windrush: For the Brave and Ingenius” by Shirley J. Thompson as printed in the The Big Issue, an extract from which is at the bottom of this post. It was based on Psalm 84, and was today followed by the beautiful lines from our second reading (Galatians 3:23-29) about the universality of Christ’s love, and that any human-imposed separations between people are meaningless in God:

there is no longer Jew or Greek, 
there is no longer slave or free,
there is no longer male and female;
for you all are one in Christ Jesus

Both Angela and her husband came to Britain from the West Indies at around that time and they, like so many others who have made Britain their home, have enriched the lives of our communities and our nation.

"And there you are, Lord
Your arms around us
Your nest held strong, so we could 
learn to fly!"